When people don’t need what we have to give…

Today was a very busy day.  I went up to see my grandfather who has just been released from the hospital and tons of family was gathered around to celebrate his return home.  While we are unsure of how much time we have left, the blessing of his continued presence is something to be grateful for.  Because we were all getting together I thought I would take some snacks with me for everyone to enjoy this afternoon.  I packed up some toasted pumpkin seeds (slow roasted all morning with a delightful garlic/onion crusty topping), chocolate covered almonds, some rice snacks and a pan of good old fashioned rice krispie squares.  Then I loaded my son in the car, got my parents in too and we hit the road.

When we got there no one wanted what I brought (except my Dad who is delightful!).  Everyone immediately dove into the pan of brownies that my Aunt had made, ripped open jars of pringles and sat down with handfuls of left over halloween candy.    Nothing I made was required.  The gift I had to offer wasn’t really needed.  And somehow, it didn’t bother me in the least.  I was there to spend time with family.  I was there to celebrate my Grandfather’s presence.  My gift may not have been needed but I was, and that’s important to remember.  We gathered together as a family and had a wonderful day.  God blessed us with each other.

As I move through this month I hope to be able to give in ways that impact people’s lives.   Today I have discovered that sometimes it’s not what you give, it’s that you tried.  While things didn’t go the way that I planned, we still encountered God as we gathered together and that’s the most important thing.

P.S. – Thanks Dad for always loving my effort.  No matter what you’re always willing to try anything I make and will love it regardless.  You may be the only one who ate my pumpkin seeds but I appreciate your love and am so grateful to have a wonderful father.

11 responses to “When people don’t need what we have to give…

  1. Becky, your sweet spirit and beautiful attitude is amazing. I’m not sure I would have reacted so graciously, especially in a time of grief, but what an important lesson!

  2. Mandi said exactly what I was thinking!

    Thank you for sharing.


  3. Thanks girls. That’s very sweet of you to say.

  4. Pingback: Day 4: 30 Day Giving Challenge // God Knows Your Heart

  5. Beautiful – I know my dad would have done the same thing. (as I am now a puddle missing him) Thanks for sharing your heart.

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Nothing I could type would be an adequate response, so I will just say thank you again for sharing this.

  7. I appreciate you sharing this.

    What I appreciate even more is your gracious attitude. It is so easy to become upset over things like this. But the truth is, it IS the effort that matters. Our hearts desire. And pushing a gift on someone because we think it is good for them would be helpful either.

    Your Dad sounds sweet! Yay for him to be willing to try anything you make 🙂

  8. Thanks for your comments guys! I really appreciate them.

  9. My daddy has been gone a very long time now but there is something about a daddy’s love that is always present. God will bless your sweet spirit. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a loving heart! It often takes people a very long time to understand what you have learned. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Great lesson for you to share and for me to learn. Sometimes I get into the “I-me” state, where it’s all about I and me, and forget that the whole reason for giving is to show the love of the Lord, whether the gift is needed/wanted/appreciated or not. Just being willing to share your heart with another person is worth the effort, no matter the outcome. Sooooo….THANK YOU!!

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