
Annoying.  My son loves that word.

Breakfast is ‘annoying’ as it takes time away from play.
Getting dressed is ‘annoying’ as it takes time away from play.
Going potty is ‘annoying’ as it takes time away from play.

Are you noticing a theme here?  My son loves to play.  He likes to engage with the world and really be present in the moment.  Things that distract or take away from his experience are not acceptable.  He rejects that which does not belong. There’s much we could learn from this.  We should really engage with the world and be present in the moment.  We should reject that which distracts us from our calling or purpose and turn away from things that lead us in the wrong direction.

What distracts you?  What tears you away?  For some it’s a cell phone or an iPad.  For others it’s work and overtime.  We are told by society that we must be accessible at any time, in any moment just in case.  We are told that work is what makes us.  That what we do defines us.

I would argue that it’s what we don’t do that defines us.  Like X. we need to reject the things that don’t belong and start to prioritize.  Our faith and our families should come first.  Can we disconnect from things that are ‘annoying’ long enough to enjoy the life we’re living right now?

Find some time today to disconnect from that which is ‘annoying’ in your life.  Use that extra time to enjoy things that bring you bliss and connect you with God and others.  You only get one shot at life.  Don’t waste on things that are annoying…

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